Left-click Add vertex + Set capacity
Click-and-drag Add edge
Right-click Remove vertex/edge
Ctrl + Click-and-drag Move vertex
Select graph data from your local system.
Error reading file. Please upload a valid file for one-to-one bipartite graph matching.
Select file format to export current graph
One-to-one bipartite graph matching
Many-to-many bipartite graph matching
General graph matching
play_arrow Start animation
check Reposition nodes
clear Clear graph
stop Edit graph
shuffle Random (right-click: custom)
unfold_less Less detailed animation
A bipartite graph is a graph that can be partitioned into two sides so that every edge joins a vertex from one side to the other.
A matching satisfies the property that each vertex is incident to a number of edges limited by its capacity.
A maximum matching in the graph is a matching that contains the largest number of edges.
An vertex is exposed if it is not matched.
An alternating path is a path that comprises of edges in a matching and edges not in the matching alternately.
An augmenting path is an alternating path which starts and ends at exposed vertices.
Theorem: A matching is of maximum cardinality if and only if it admits no augmenting path.
remove 0.5 add
remove 1 add
remove 10 add